Where are the women at Honda, Kia, Nissan, Toyota?

Yesterday at TheCarConnection, I wrote about a new website that ranks companies according to their gender diversity–specifically, by the number of women who sit on their executive teams and boards of directors. Here’s an excerpt:

Today, it’s generally agreed that diversity is beneficial for businesses. In fact, there’s a good bit of data to suggest that the more diverse a company’s workforce is, the more innovative, creative, and profitable the company becomes. And on a more fundamental level, at this point in our history, it seems appropriate that a company’s employees mirror the diverse array of customers that a company attracts.

In the auto industry, which serves consumers across lines of race, gender, and sexuality, you might think that employees would represent a cross-section of the public. But in many cases, you’d be wrong.

Spoiler alert: General Motors performed well in the rankings, but Honda, Kia, Nissan, and Toyota? Not so much.

If you have time, I’d suggest checking it out. My writing is aggressively so-so, as usual, but LedBetter–the website from which the data is pulled–is well worth a visit.