As you might imagine, we tend to stick pretty closely to car stories with an LGBT focus, but when we saw photos from last weekend’s Ferrari Owners Group Rally, we felt we had to veer off-topic for a second.
The 2011 FOG Rally gave 50 Ferrari owners a chance to drive the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco to Los Angeles, California. But the event wasn’t just an opportunity for fast-car fans to show off their rides: through entry fees and sponsorships the Rally raised funds for Opportunity Impact, a nonprofit organization that offers educational support to children in low-income households. Opportunity Impact uses a combination of in-home visits, referrals, and other interactions with kids to ensure that they’re excelling in school.
Organizers haven’t yet released data about funds raised from the 2011 event, but if you’d like to raise the sum by a few bucks, you can make a donation directly to Opportunity Impact here.
Props are due to CarWoo, which organized the event. For more photos of the 2011 FOG Rally, visit ITZKirbPhotography (warning: minimal cheese ahead).