Name: Robert “Bob” McCrea
Place of Birth: Mt. Home AFB, Mt. Home, ID
Occupation: Warranty Financial Analyst
Employer: Volkswagen of America
Year, Make and Model of your first car/truck: I remember it fondly. It was a 1960 Ford Thunderbird (not a Beetle) that I purchased in High School and paid to have it restored. I have always had a fondness for Thunderbirds ever since.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Believe it or not, since 9th grade, I always wanted to be an accountant. I had taken an aptitude test which indicated that I could be a good teacher, accountant or a few other things. I seized upon the accountant because it sounded like something really respectable. Despite the fact that I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree from a teaching university in central Illinois. While we’re on the topic of accounting, when it comes to managing finances, the help of a professional accountant can make such a difference to dealing with this aspect. Finances are not everyone’s strong point, but it could be as simple as getting in touch with a company who provide Accounting services Melbourne, for example, to get this part of the business handled better than if someone was to try and do it themselves. There’s nothing wrong with asking for a helping hand. I feel like this is a reason as to why I wanted to become an accountant. Helping people sort out their finances is very important to me.
How long have you worked in the auto industry? Since March 6, 1989 here at Volkswagen of America. If you count Hughes Aircraft as a legitimate part of GM, then it goes further back to 1981 (but that’s mainly defense industry).
What do you drive now?I drive a 2006 Jetta Diesel and I own a 2002 New Beetle.
Are you out at work? Absolutely. My finance group is very supportive and I’m an out and active member of our Diversity Council. Bret, myself and a few others are in the process of organizing a support group for GLBTQ members of Volkswagen, VW Credit, Bentley and Audi.
Was being gay ever an issue at any of your jobs? Not really. At Hughes (1981), they already had a very strong anti-discrimination statement that was backed up by HR. Of course, the fact that my Aunt worked in HR and put me in touch with Gay-Friendly people at the company certainly helped. But they strongly advocated their support through their Supervisory training classes even back in 1981. Volkswagen developed their support while I was working for them. When I first started, my partner (of 24 years) and I never discussed our personal lives at work so it was sort of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” type of scenario. But over time, people began to suspect and a few even came out to ask me directly about it. I found out they were the really supportive friends I still have at work. Now, the company has a very strong policy of support. We even made the 100% Human Rights Campaign questionnaire last year and were written up in the Advocate!
If you had one piece of advice to give to a gay person wanting to work in the auto industry, what would it be?
Research your choice of companies carefully up front. I have heard rumors that some of the car companies are not as supportive as others. HRC has a lot of information on the auto industry as it applies to us.
Ok, here is the fun part; if you had $25,000 and had to buy a new car, what would it be and why? Probably what I already have. A VW product. I have found them to be fun cars to drive around.
Same question but bigger budget – $50,000:
Probably an Audi product. Company loyalty and all that.
If money was no object and you had to drive it every day:
Well then, it has to be a Bentley Continental GT of course. Bentley has always been good to me and my tax career and I did get to test drive the GT. It is a hoot!
What is your favorite car of all time and why?
Despite company loyalty, my heart still yearns for the Ford Thunderbird. I loved the redo they had in the last few years but sadly, it’s gone again.
If your car/truck could talk, what would it say about you?
I tend to bring the wild side of this conservative accountant out. He drives faster in me than he should sometimes. He’s just lucky he hasn’t gotten a ticket! (OK, I exaggerated a bit there).
Finally, why do you want to be on gaywheels.com?
I think it helps people to know that there are many companies out there that are gay-friendly and others are actively insuring that it stays that way for the rest of us.