Tremendous strides toward full equality have been achieved by our communities over the past decade. Many of these advances have occurred because LGBT survey studies have opened doors (and minds) in leading corporations and organizations, which in turn have recognized the value of their LGBT employees through the establishment of equal hiring policies and domestic partner benefits. This has been a catalyst, leading to sweeping changes in political and social inclusiveness.
With the above in mind, we are helping Community Marketing with their latest survey and ask that you take a few minutes to answer their questions. Your answers will help LGBT companies continue to move the needle towards equality and inclusive business practices.
Click HERE or on the image below to take the survey. Make sure to tell your friends about it!

Everyone who completes the survey by Sept 30, 2008 will be entered into a drawing to win one of FIVE iPod Shuffles or the Grand Prize of TWO free airline tickets from/to any of
the participating airline’s destinations in the 48 continental U.S. States, plus Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Restrictions apply.
Keep this in mind:
• Demographic reports also influence marketing investment. Virtually absent until recently, we now see a growing variety of products and services represented in gay media, celebrating our diversity. Ads keep LGBT publications and websites in business, serving their communities with independent news and information.
• Beyond simply advertising, though, these companies support us in many ways, including sponsoring community events and funding community-based charities in order to earn our loyalty.
• Taking an annual pulse on market trends through surveys helps demonstrate the LGBT community’s growing power, and influences positive change.