We were recently invited to a unique birthday party. The event didn’t involve balloons, cake or even booze yet it was one of the best parties we’ve been to in a long time. It was in celebration of Saab’s 60th anniversary as a car company and fittingly it was held at an airstrip in Southern California.
Your friendly neighborhood gay car geeks at Gaywheels.com fought the crowds, the rain and rude people (and that was INSIDE the show) to bring you the latest from the New York Auto Show. We have the latest from Audi, Jeep, Infiniti, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz.
This Ain’t Daddy’s Caddy by Scott Corlett For nearly twenty years, Cadillac floundered on the brink of automotive irrelevancy. Finally, in the late
We received a Google Alert today when the blog Boi from Troyposted an entry about BMW launching a gay-friendly ad on bus stops in West Hollywood, CA. Read this and tell us what YOU think.
Diesel from Deutschland by Joe LaMuraglia Saturday, March 31st – Being an automotive journalist/small business owner/nomad, I am constantly on the go. So