Name: Anthony Prozzi
Place of Birth: Brooklyn , NY
Age: 44
Year, Make and Model of Your first car/truck: 1976 Pontiac Firebird
Occupation: Senior Designer
Employer: Ford Motor Company
What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? I was a bookworm growing up, straight A student and always an overachiever – as a product of Italian immigrant parents – they wanted to see me be a doctor, and I went as far as pre-med at NYU – but I’m happy fate intervened and became a designer.
How long have you worked in the auto industry? 12 years that seem to have gone by in a blink
What do you drive now? A shiny black Ford Edge
Are you out at work? Those that are hip enough to be in the know are aware of my preferences – I’m so busy it’s a non-issue.
Was being gay ever an issue at any of your jobs? I’m very lucky that it never was, I always believe your work speaks for itself and private matters are just that private.
If you had one piece of advice to give to a gay person wanting to work in the auto industry, what would it be?
Be yourself. Work hard and let your work be the criteria by which you succeed – and of course, have fun along the way.
Ok, here is the fun part; if you had $25,000 and had to buy a new car, what would it be and why? The new Ford Verve – in black of course.
Same question but bigger budget; $50,000:
Tough one. Ah – I’d buy the car I designed the interior of, the Ford Flex – but seriously trick it out – black on black with some shine – very Dior Homme.
If money was no object and you had to drive it every day:
I like a lot of space – so same answer as above but with a fuel cell.
What is your favorite car of all time and why?
Killer. There are way too many – my grandfather had an Alfa Giulietta, so its high on the list – along with any other Italian cars from the 60’s.
If your car/truck could talk, what would it say about you?
Hey, you’re getting checked out by that fox at the light.
Finally, why do you want to be featured on Gaywheels.com?
I live my life with my heart on my sleeve – I’m a great role model – I speak my mind and my work is always top notch.
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