From Auto News, a brief piece about Florida dealers’ responses to the Pulse nightclub shootings. I found this excerpt particularly interesting, since AutoNation is ranked #162 on the Fortune 1000, yet earned a mere 10 points on HRC’s 2016 Corporate Equality Index — five points fewer than it earned in 2015:
About five miles south of the nightclub is an AutoNation Inc. Audi store. AutoNation, based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is the largest new-vehicle retailer in the U.S. It has Chevrolet and Audi stores in Orlando and seven more stores in the greater area.
On Monday, a spokeswoman for AutoNation said the group sent an email to its entire staff, letting employees know that AutoNation will be donating an undisclosed amount to Equality Florida Action Inc., an LGBT civil rights organization. The memo said the donations will go directly to people affected by the shooting.
Part of the memo stated: “Today, all 26,000 AutoNation Associates across our country are united as we share a common grief, horror and outrage. And while no financial contribution will change the outcome, it is our hope that the families of the victims will find some solace in an outpouring of love, support and hope.”