Top 10 Commentary

Our Top 10 Most Researched Vehicles article is consistently the most popular article on the site. We are often asked why certain cars made it to the list and while we cannot get inside our users’ heads, we can make educated guesses. With that in mind, we asked our own Joe Tralongo to give his take on the Top 10 Most Researched [...] Part of First Openly Gay Rally Team

At, we consider it our duty to provide a great resource for our users as well change peoples’ perception of the community by educating and informing. We do this by shedding light on contributions made by LGBT people in the auto industry and publishing data that generally dispels stereotypes. We’re happy to announce that we’re taking it to the next level by taking part in Team “G.L.A.M.”, the first openly gay rally team. Read the release and stay tuned for more exciting information about this event. [...]