When Velour Was King

Just when the straight world thought it knew everything it needed to know about being gay, along comes another bombshell: Gays are crazy about cars. Not just new ones, mind you, but big, chrome covered glitzmobiles with an urgent need for fuel and a hankering for wide open parking spaces. Indeed, gay car clubs, such as Great Autos of Yesteryear and the Lambda Car Club, have thousands of members, many of whom have become the sole guardians of the flamboyant ’70s luxury cars ignored by mainstream collectors. [...]

”Green” Cars you can drive NOW!

With gas prices rising and oil supplies dwindling, automakers are hard at work on “green” cars, most of which promise guilt-free driving in the form of emissions-free vehicles. But what about vehicles that you can buy now that leave less of a mess behind? Here are five cars on the market that will have a lower impact on the environment as well as on your wallet. [...]

Homos For Hydrogen

As fuel prices creep higher and higher, consumers are becoming more educated on alternative modes of transportation and alternative fuels. One you may have heard a lot about but think you’ll never see is hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. They are a long way off but a few manufacturers have fleets of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and GM in particular is actively recruiting members of the LGBT community to test them out. [...]

A Week with an Audi R8

When they handed me the keys to the 2008 Audi R8 last Friday in Atlanta, the last thing they said to me was “You’ll get sick of it after a while”. I looked at the sleek, gorgeous exterior of the exotic vehicle and couldn’t IMAGINE ever getting sick of it but wondered why they would make that comment. [...]