The Most Trans-Friendly Seatbelt Safety Video That You’re Likely To See This Week

For decades, Americans have tended to lump the transgendered into two categories: transsexuals like Renée Richards and Christine Jorgensen, who’ve undergone sex reassignment surgery, and drag queens like RuPaul and Dame Edna, who wear the clothing of the “opposite” sex to entertain audiences and who may or may not be homosexual. (Drag kings are an entirely different ball of wax and, to be honest, have often been considered merely “eccentric” rather than transgender.) [...]

Homophobic Uber Cab Driver In Gay Paris Gets Le Boot

Paris is a city of contrasts. On the one hand, it’s the magnificent City of Light. On the other, locals eat mayonnaise on their fries. (Which they refuse to call “French fries”, even though you’d think it would be a source of national pride. Then again, they don’t call their frites “freedom fries” either, so maybe it’s a draw.) [...]

2014 BMW 328d xDrive Sports Wagon: A Very Sexy Diesel

In the early 1980s, after their Pontiac Phoenix disintegrated, my parents bought an Oldsmobile Cutlass diesel wagon — woodgrain, burnt orange paint and all. It rattled like a Peterbilt, stunk like a truckstop, was anything but sexy, but sparked my affection for both wagons and diesels. I’m weird. While nothing you’d take to the club, it was efficient, perfectly-sized, and practical. Race ahead 30 years through a few trips to the gym and you get something like the BMW 328d xDrive Sports Wagon. [...]

That’s So Gay: 2014 Subaru Forester Gets A Makeover, Wows LGBTs & Straights, Too

Saturday Night Live’s openly-lesbian Kate McKinnon parodied tennis great Billie Jean King shortly after she was chosen to represent the U.S. in Sochi (Russia) at the Winter Games. As King, McKinnon proclaimed (as she laughed) that she would put all her lesbian chic on display in Sochi, to include driving a Subaru Outback through Red Square while Melissa Etheridge came blaring through the car speakers. [...]

The 2014 Volkswagen Jetta 1.8 Turbo Shows There Really Are Second Acts In German Car Lives

At a recent full line VW drive event that we here at attended in Napa, we started our morning grabbing the keys to the vehicle that we expected the least from as far as thrills and surprises go. We chose to drive a manual transmission equipped 2014 VW Jetta in midlevel (and very affordable) SE trim with the all new VW 1.8 liter base corporate turbocharged 4-cylinder motor. But there is nothing basic at all about this new 170 horsepower/184 lb. feet of torque engine, dear readers, and no longer is the Jetta a bargain basement, built to price economy car with a faint hint of German sportiness about it. [...]