Toyota Recall Video Ad

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve heard about Toyota’s massive recall campaigns over the past two months. Each day seems to bring more news of problems with Toyota vehicles here in the U.S. and abroad. They are finally putting out ads that apologize in a sincere manner and explain the steps they are taking to rectify the situation. [...]

Superbowl Car Commercials 2010

Ahhh, the Superbowl. America’s annual excuse to party on a Sunday afternoon and pretend to be interested in a bunch of grown men wearing really tight pants running into each other while carrying a leather ball. Hold up, on second thought, that sounds kind of hot…Alas, I digress…for those of you that aren’t really interested in the game, there is always a LOT of hype over the commercials shown during the match. We’ve put together a collection of automotive ads/teasers that we know are coming this coming Sunday, February 7th. [...]