That’s so gay: 2018 Subaru Outback is the lesbian classic that now everyone wants April 19, 2018April 19, 2018Sam Gomez Ed. note: The Subaru Outback is on a nationwide charm offensive. Yesterday, Casey gave his opinion of the 2018 model (lavishing high praise [...]
2018 Audi A4 Allroad: More cargo room, more style, and more glitter April 12, 2018April 12, 2018Sam Gomez In the mood for a luxury station wagon that can catch your eye and carry all your adopted kids? The 2018 Audi A4 Allroad fits [...]
2018 Mazda MX-5 Miata Club: Way too much compact gay fun! April 10, 2018April 10, 2018Sam Gomez The Mazda Miata isn’t for everyone, but oh, it’s an amazing ride. It’s a fun, fabulous sports car that was meant to run [...]
All-new 2018 Kia Rio is small, quick, sturdy, and stylish (but don’t get our your pocketbook just yet) March 26, 2018March 26, 2018Sam Gomez Editor’s note: As Sam mentions below, Kia is the only major automaker in the U.S. that has refused to provide workplace protections for [...]
That’s so gay: 2018 Mazda3 is the ultimate, early-21st century car March 21, 2018March 20, 2018Sam Gomez 1 About the only thing I don’t like about the Mazda3 is its name. All this style and grace, and all they could come [...]
All-new 2018 Toyota C-HR: Not for those with big bones or husky features March 13, 2018March 13, 2018Sam Gomez I admit, I’m not sure what to think of Toyota’s brand-new C-HR, the automaker’s latest entry into the subcompact SUV market. (And I [...]
2018 GMC Yukon XL Denali: This is like driving a Sherman (and Peabody) Tank March 6, 2018March 6, 2018Sam Gomez Everyone remembers Yukon Cornelius, the ginger hero in Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. He was big and butch and knew how to turn an abominable [...]
That’s so gay: 2018 Toyota 4Runner 4×4 TRD Off-Road is the perfect butch/Barbie mobile February 20, 2018February 20, 2018Sam Gomez My favorite television drama of 2018 so far is The Assassination of Gianni Versace, the true crime story of how the fashion designer [...]
2018 Chevy Traverse: Give it room, lotsa room February 5, 2018February 5, 2018Sam Gomez Let’s face it: for most LGBTQs, there’s no such thing as wasted space. Every inch is put to good use (sexually and otherwise), [...]
That’s so gay: 2018 Mazda CX-5 is a top LGBTQ-plus safety pick January 25, 2018January 25, 2018Sam Gomez 1 This car has it all and does it all. Well, maybe not like Ricky Martin living la vida dulce or Karen Walker (of [...]